Actions from radio_button_tag


I have a radio_button_tag I’d like to catch the “onclick” action for as
you would in HTML. When this happens, there is a simple DIV tag that I
want to appear (probably through my RJS and “form_remote_tag”. I’m a
bit of a newbie and getting lost in this. here’s what I have:

from view:
<% form_remote_tag :url => { :action => :goaltype } do %>
<%= radio_button_tag “one-time”, “one-time goal”, checked = false %>
<% end %>

page.replace_html(“onetime” , :partial => “g_onetime”)

Partial to appear when radio button is clicked is just another form :

My controller method “goaltype” is empty because there’s nothing I
really need to do, or do I?

Thanks so much in advance for your help!



I’ve changed this now going to a simpler example, but it’s still not
working - I can’t catch the onclick in the radio button:

<%= radio_button_tag “one-time”, 1, checked = false, options =
{:onclick => “#{<%= link_to_function(“One-Time Goal”, nil, :id =>
“onetime”) do |page|
page.replace_html(“goaltype” , :partial => “g_onetime”, :object =>
f) end %>}”} %>

Now I’m getting a syntax error.

This seems like the best way to do this but i’m getting tripped up
becuase of syntax.

Thanks so much in advance!
