I am getting html output in my email body with spurious characters
that cannot be rendered, so that my links are not handled properly.
What am I not getting here?
My email body contains:
<A href=mailto:"<%=h(‘[email protected]’)%>?
with any issues. Please include your order number…
I’m getting ‘=3d’ for all ‘=’ so that the <A href=… becomes <A
href=3d… which is garbage.
I have tried using all possible combinations of h() and mailto
function: those don’t fix it.
That is NOT the problem.
This is my method in order_mailer:
def price(order)
@subject = "Order Email
@recipients = order.email
@from = ‘[email protected]’
@sent_on = Time.now
@body[“order”] = order
part :content_type => "text/plain",
:body => render_message("price_text_html", :order => order)
I tried content type text/html first, text/plain also does not work.
I can’t use the utf code for ‘=’, it isn’t understood properly.
I tried TMail parse and I tried manually changing unicode to 7bit
nothing worked. so finally I did it brute force. In my controller
@order = Order.find(params[:id])
email = TMail::Mail.new
email = OrderMailer.create_price(@order)
# BRUTE FORCE, nothing else worked!
# contaminated html in my emails!!
# All '=' became '=3D'
# NOTE TMail::Mail.parse() did not fix this.
email_fix = email.encoded.gsub(/[3][D]/,'') # replace '3D' with
empty string in email WORKED
email = TMail::Mail.parse(email_fix)
I tried TMail parse and I tried manually changing unicode to 7bit
nothing worked. so finally I did it brute force. In my controller
The email was encoded with quoted-printable. In that encoding = is a
special character so is escaped with =3D.
You can set the transfer encoding to something other than quoted-
printable (eg not encode at all), but if you don’t encode at all the
mail could get garbled when passing through some mail servers. There’s
an example in the docs of how to set the transfer encoding to base64,
you could instead just set it to ‘identity’ (actually actionmailer
won’t do any encoding if that setting is not either quoted-printable
of base64 but you might as well pick a sensible name)
If your email is indeed html, why are you setting the content type to
text/plain ?
the content type is text/html.
Where and how should I specify encoding?
Is it this:
mail = TMail::Mail.new
mail.transfer_encoding = “something”
What should “something” be?
this email is plain, vanilla, simple, nothing fancy, no special
characters, etc.
I just want something plain, simple etc that WORKS on ALL mail
thanks much!