ActionMailer Question -- can't find email templates

I have a PageController that displays a form. The form is just
straight HTML, I only used the form helpers for the form tag as so:

<%= form_tag({:action => :send_request}, {:method=>:post,

In my page controller I have this:

def send_request
email = InfoMailer::deliver_sendrequest(params)

in my action mailer class I have this:

class InfoMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def sendrequest(formparms)
sent_at =
@to = ‘[email protected]
@cc = ‘[email protected]
@subject = ‘Thank you for your request’
@recipients = ‘’
@from = ‘[email protected]
@sent_on = sent_at
@headers = {}

@body['name'] = formparms[:from_name]


The error I get is this:

ActionView::ActionViewError in Page#send_request

No rhtml, rxml, or delegate template found for sendrequest.rhtml

I REALLY DO have a a rhtml file at views/info_mailer/sendrequest.rhtml

it contains the following:

Dear <%=@from_name %>,

Thank you for your request, we will respond shortly!

Any ideas? … when I assign a body the message I want to send:

def sendrequest(formparms)
sent_at =
@to = ‘[email protected]
@cc = ‘[email protected]
@subject = ‘Thank you for your request’

@recipients = ''
@from       = '[email protected]'
@sent_on    = sent_at
@headers    = {}

#@body = ‘Thank you, the request is being processed’

That works ok, it just doesn’t seem to be finding the template. What
am I doing wrong??

Nola S. wrote:

def send_request
email = InfoMailer::deliver_sendrequest(params)

in my action mailer class I have this:

Mailers are usually put in the models directory, and
their deliver methods are usually called as class methods
using the dot notation, rather than with the :: notation.

We develop, watch us RoR, in numbers too big to ignore.