Actionmailer not working [no errors]


I have a little problem with actionmailer 2.0.2

The problem is that I am trying to send mails and development.log says
that everything is ok but I can’t find any mails in my mailbox.

I checked my sendmail with PHP function “mail()” - works nice.

/var/log/mail.log don’t drop any lines when sending mails with

So in conclusion no errors and no way to check where delivery fails.

Could you help me with this?

There’s many options to send email using action mailer :

[1] You can use gmail account for your action mailer
Read it :

[2] You can use email domain, the way is the same like above you only
change it :

:address => “”,
:port => 25, # default is 25 but you can use also 26
:domain => ‘’,
:user_name => “[email protected]”,

[3] If you are using linux OS, the last line paste it in

ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :sendmail
ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true
ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true
ActionMailer::Base.default_charset = “utf-8”

[4] Some times this script is never working or never sending email any
more :

ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
:address => ‘’, # default: localhost
:port => ‘25’, # default: 25
:authentication => :plain, # :plain, :login or :cram_md5
:user_name => ‘teapoci’,
:password => ‘xxxxxx’

I not recommend you for option no. 4, because it never works to me too.
Have nice try.


[3] If you are using linux OS, the last line paste it in

ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :sendmail
ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true
ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true
ActionMailer::Base.default_charset = “utf-8”

The configuration in my environment.rb is the same as here. No solution

On 20 Apr 2008, at 17:59, Kr Alfabeta wrote:

The configuration in my environment.rb is the same as here. No

Is sendmail where rails expects it to be? By default it looks for it
at /usr/sbin/sendmail, you can change that by setting


More info: my rails application runs under apache but when I run it by
default with ./script/server (WEBrick) actionmailer WORKS.

Where is the problem? permissions?

Is sendmail where rails expects it to be? By default it looks for it
at /usr/sbin/sendmail, you can change that by setting


x28:/home/xxx# locate sendmail

Kr Alfabeta wrote:

More info: my rails application runs under apache but when I run it by
default with ./script/server (WEBrick) actionmailer WORKS.

Where is the problem? permissions?

Solved. permissions. thank you for trying

Sometimes port 25/26 is blocked to send email, and some email providers
are refusing to receive email from port 25 that uses localhost smtp.
Yahoo and Gmail are the most email provider that is not too extrem in
filtering incoming email.

Another reason, your email isn’t delivered well is your header or format
of sendemail. Checkout your development.log, if there is 200K OK, or
notification that actionmailer was working but you still cant receive
email. it means that your problem is from your localhost. Maybe your
internet provider is blocking or dont want send you email from localhost
port 25 or 26.


What permissions did you have to change?

Kr Alfabeta wrote:

Kr Alfabeta wrote:

More info: my rails application runs under apache but when I run it by
default with ./script/server (WEBrick) actionmailer WORKS.

Where is the problem? permissions?

Solved. permissions. thank you for trying

Visit Indonesia 2008 wrote:

Yahoo and Gmail are the most email provider that is not too extrem in
filtering incoming email.

CORRECTION: Yahoo and Gmail are the most email provider that ARE TOO
extrem in filtering incoming email. Nowdays spam issue is the top issue
in emailing or between email providers.


Kr Alfabeta wrote:

Kr Alfabeta wrote:

More info: my rails application runs under apache but when I run it by
default with ./script/server (WEBrick) actionmailer WORKS.

Where is the problem? permissions?

Solved. permissions. thank you for trying

I also have this problem. Mail is sent with script/server, but not when
running thin. What permissions did you change to solve this?

Jj Lumagbas wrote in post #939126:

Kr Alfabeta wrote:

Kr Alfabeta wrote:

More info: my rails application runs under apache but when I run it by
default with ./script/server (WEBrick) actionmailer WORKS.

Where is the problem? permissions?

Solved. permissions. thank you for trying

I also have this problem. Mail is sent with script/server, but not when
running thin. What permissions did you change to solve this?

I have the same Problem!!