ActionMailer Difficulties

I’m using ActionMailer in test mode (so, in the config file I have

config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test

) I have my mailer set up as such…

def confirm(message, sending_user, user)
@subject = “You have a message from #{sending_user.login}”
@body[“message”] = message
@body[“user”] = user
@body[“sender”] = sending_user
@recipients =
@from = “[email protected]
@sent_on =

And my confirm page set up as follows

Dear <%= %>
<%= @sender.login %> has sent you the following message %>
<%= @message %>

Now, if I let @user be some user and @sending_user be some other user,
if I work from the console with

MessageSender.deliver_confirm(“Message!”, @sending_user, @user)

it works, and I see the message in the hash built by the test mode.
But if I use the following code

def send_message
@user = (session[:looked_upon_user])
@sending_user = User.find(session[:user_id])
@message = (params[:message])
MessageSender.deliver_confirm(@message, @sending_user, @user)

it doesn’t, even though the send message page works, with the
following code

Message Sent!

<%= @sending_user.login %> sent the message

<%= @message %>

to <%= @user.login %> <%= link_to "Return", :action => "index" %>

I’ve been programming with Ruby on Rails for a few months now and am
still trying to get the hang of it. Any help would be greatly