I did some searching on the net about how to send email to diffrent
domain adresses like google, yahoo and stuff…and the guides that i
found were a bit more confusing.
for example at this adress
the last two examples Action Mailer Configuration, Action Mailer
Configuration for GMail
The thing is that they are so diffrent…and if i wanna send mails to
yahoo, or hotmail or whatever, what should i do?
but before al this, if i wanna send a small mail on my mac, just to
see how this action mailer stuff works, is there something i should
change in my app?
Answering to second part of your question, what i understood is you
wan to test how an email looks when it is actually sent out in other
words you wan to test the same.
Check on CREATE_ and DELIVER_ methods of actionmailer.
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