Action Controller: Exception caught


I am trying to this project to work but I ran into this issue, the
project is from a book called Beginning Ruby on Rails E-Commerce: From
Novice to Professional. It references stuff from Rails 1.0. I am still
new at using Ruby and Rails. Thanks for any help.

NoMethodError in Admin/author#new

Showing C:/IS410/Programs/emporium/app/views/admin/author/_form.html.erb
where line #1 raised:

undefined method `error_messages_for’ for

Extracted source (around line #1):

1: <%= error_messages_for ‘author’ %>

First name

4: <%= text_field ‘author’, ‘first_name’ %>

Trace of template inclusion: app/views/admin/author/new.html.erb

Rails.root: C:/IS410/Programs/emporium
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace

_app_views_admin_author__form_html_erb__297742407_30546288' app/views/admin/author/new.html.erb:4:in_app_views_admin_author_new_html_erb__600623049_36434616’

Error messages for was removed in rails 3. It was extracted to a plugin,
don’t remember exactly what the plugin was called but it’s in the rails
GitHub repo. Rails has changed massively since 1.0 - I really would try
and find some more up to date material to work from.


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