Acticve Record class in Module

Dear friends
I have on problem
actually i have one table called user_details.
i have one model for that table.For this table i want to do two
different validations in the model,so i used modules but it is
working,it just throwing an
error like

const_missing' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/signin_controller.rb:235:innewsletter_form’

so i need your help
how can i do the validations ?
tell me


Mohamed H. wrote:

Dear friends
I have on problem
actually i have one table called user_details.
i have one model for that table.For this table i want to do two
different validations in the model,so i used modules but it is
working,it just throwing an
error like

const_missing' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/signin_controller.rb:235:innewsletter_form’

you should paste some code if u need help - no one can blind guess a
