I need some understanding of what reasonably achievable sample rates are
using GNU Radio to implement a packet base radio.
For example, I’m running into D’s at only 430 k/samples. This is running
packet detecting radio using bpsk.
Those who have working OFDM radios, what sample rates does your system
support without over/underflow? How about those with QPSK radios
packets, what samle rate can you support?
I’m not using a multi-rate approach, so I know there are gains to be had
my design. But for a BPSK radio with packet detection (and full
synchronization), I’m surprised I’m hitting the low limits of what the
requires already.
For example, I’m running a very simple radio astronomy “flow” on an
Odroid XU3 at 2 x 11.5Msps,without overruns (except occasionally).
What type of computer are you using? Have you made certain that any
filters you have in your flow don’t have horrendous filter lengths?
That’s very often a cause of newcomers getting poor performance out
of their signal flows. They specify a filter with far-too-aggressive
“skirts”, which yields a filter that is 10 times longer than it
really needs to be, for example.