I have a file that contains a list of STRING datetime like
Thu Dec 20 00:58:17 +0000 2012
Thu Dec 20 00:50:18 +0000 2012
Thu Dec 20 00:48:53 +0000 2012
Thu Dec 20 00:44:43 +0000 2012
Thu Dec 20 00:42:32 +0000 2012
Each line represents the occurrence of one event.
I want to count the number of events occurred each month (or day).
First, I have converted to DateTime objects. It’s easy.
Normally, when counting the number of each word occurred in a file,
using hash can help (each word as a key). But this case, it is not that
simple because the key is date object.
Do you have better ideas for counting the number of events each month?
Soichi I. wrote in post #1090212:
Normally, when counting the number of each word occurred in a file,
using hash can help (each word as a key). But this case, it is not that
simple because the key is date object.
Do you have better ideas for counting the number of events each month?
require ‘date’
date_times1 = (1…12).map do |month|
date_times2 = (1…6).map do |month|
date_times = date_times1 + date_times2
results = Hash.new(0)
date_times.each do |dt|
results[dt.month] += 1
(1…12).each do |month|
puts “month %s: %s” % [month, results[month]]
month 1: 2
month 2: 2
month 3: 2
month 4: 2
month 5: 2
month 6: 2
month 7: 1
month 8: 1
month 9: 1
month 10: 1
month 11: 1
month 12: 1
Subject: Accumulate total count for each month
Date: Wed 26 Dec 12 12:16:26PM +0900
Quoting Soichi I. ([email protected]):
Normally, when counting the number of each word occurred in a file,
using hash can help (each word as a key). But this case, it is not that
simple because the key is date object.
Do you have better ideas for counting the number of events each
Why not use the year+month as the hash key? From your DateTime object,
you obtain an appropriate string with dt.strftime(’%Y%m’).
(1…12).each do |month|
puts “%s: %s” % [Date::MONTHNAMES[month], results[month]]
January: 2
February: 2
March: 2
April: 2
May: 2
June: 2
July: 1
August: 1
September: 1
October: 1
November: 1
December: 1
Wow, thanks everyone.
There are a lot of ideas I could not figure out myself!
If that is all there is to it, a simple split would work
nevents = Hash.new(0)
ARGF.each_line do |line|
month, year = line.chomp.split.values_at(1, -1)
nevents["#{year} #{month}"] += 1
On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 4:16 AM, Soichi I. [email protected]
I want to count the number of events occurred each month (or day).
First, I have converted to DateTime objects. It’s easy.
Better use Date since you want to count occurrences at dates.
Normally, when counting the number of each word occurred in a file,
using hash can help (each word as a key). But this case, it is not that
simple because the key is date object.
Why isn’t that simple? Did you actually try it?
Do you have better ideas for counting the number of events each month?
require ‘date’
counts = Hash.new 0
ARGF.each do |line|
counts[Date.parse(line)] += 1
counts.sort_by {|d,| k}.each do |d, c|
printf “%-20s %6d\n”, d, c
On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 10:59 PM, 7stud – [email protected] wrote:
1.rb:10:in block in <main>': undefined local variable or method
k’ for
main:Object (NameError)
Typo when ad hoc refactoring names
require ‘date’
counts = Hash.new 0
ARGF.each do |line|
counts[Date.parse(line)] += 1
counts.sort_by {|d,| d}.each do |d, c|
printf “%-20s %6d\n”, d, c
Robert K. wrote in post #1090246:
Why isn’t that simple? Did you actually try it?
require ‘date’
counts = Hash.new 0
ARGF.each do |line|
counts[Date.parse(line)] += 1
counts.sort_by {|d,| k}.each do |d, c|
printf “%-20s %6d\n”, d, c
1.rb:10:in block in <main>': undefined local variable or method
k’ for
main:Object (NameError)