How can i access “myvariable” in the provided code from
Say constants.rb has the following code
myvariable = ‘foo’
And another file driver.rb has following code
require constants
class myclass < food
def busted
#how can i call ‘myvariable’ constant here?
Also, if you can tell me what exactly is the difference between require
and include, that would be great help. I don’t see any clear
explanation anywhere for the above.
Hi –
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006, [email protected] wrote:
And another file driver.rb has following code
The whole idea of “local” variables is to be local If you want
something to be visible between files, you should make it a constant
or a method:
module M
def M.my_value
require ‘constants’
class MyClass < Food
def not_busted
myvariable = M.myvalue
# etc.
or something like that.
Also, if you can tell me what exactly is the difference between require
and include, that would be great help. I don’t see any clear
explanation anywhere for the above.
“require” reads in a file (either a Ruby file or a compiled file for a
C extension). “include” mixes a module into a class or into another
module. So the usual sequence is require, then include: first you
read in the file that defines a module (like M in my example), then
you do something with the module (in my example I just used a method
in it, but you can also “include” modules).
David A. Black ([email protected])
Ruby Power and Light, LLC (
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