I need to know what controller and action the user is currently in
to do various things in my layouts/application.rhtml file. Isn’t
there is a better way than:
<% if params[:controller] == “whatever” && params[:action] ==
“whatever” %>some html<% end %>
I know in the controllers you can just use controller_name, but that
is not provided in the views.
Thanks for your help.
Thank You,
Ben J.
E: [email protected]
Why not just assign controller_name to a @variable to use in your views?
Ben J. wrote:
I need to know what controller and action the user is currently in
to do various things in my layouts/application.rhtml file. Isn’t
there is a better way than:
<% if params[:controller] == “whatever” && params[:action] ==
“whatever” %>some html<% end %>
I know in the controllers you can just use controller_name, but that
is not provided in the views.
Thanks for your help.
Thank You,
Ben J.
E: [email protected]
Popular question today.
I have the following in one of my layout head sections
<%= “admin::#{controller.controller_name}::#{controller.action_name}” %>
That might get you started.
A controller’s purpose in life is to determine what view to render. If
find yourself conditionally rendering views within a view, it’s
time to look at your controller again.
But to answer your question, the “proper” way to access controller and
action names would be through params. (e.g. params[:controller])
On Monday, July 24, 2006, at 4:11 PM, Rabbit wrote:
That might get you started.
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There are plenty of good reasons to want to know what controller you are
in. Particularly if you have some meta magic going on in a helper that
spans multiple controllers.
controller.controller_name and
are the correct functions to call.