Accessing module from controller

I know this is probably something simple that I’m missing. I am trying
to call a function that is in a module in /lib, but the controller
doesnt seem to be finding it.

I have:


module Siteopen
def is_site_open()
return 1

and in a controller:

class StartupController < ApplicationController
require ‘Siteopen’

def index
if is_site_open()
@sitemsg=“The site is now open”
@sitemsg=“Site is closed.”

This will give me the following error:

NoMethodError in StartupController#index
undefined method `is_site_open’ for #StartupController:0x1045b2ea8

I’m sure it’s something dumb I’m doing.

On Apr 26, 11:27 pm, Dave P. [email protected] wrote:

I know this is probably something simple that I’m missing. I am trying
to call a function that is in a module in /lib, but the controller
doesnt seem to be finding it.

If you want to be able to use the methods from a module like that you
need to include the module (or extend it if you just want to add the
methods to one instance). require (which is unnecessary here) just
asks ruby to load the file.


Frederick C. wrote:

If you want to be able to use the methods from a module like that you
need to include the module (or extend it if you just want to add the
methods to one instance). require (which is unnecessary here) just
asks ruby to load the file.


That was it!