Accessing and updating Devise current user in a different controller

So I’m creating a tv trivia game app, and when a user completes their
quiz, I need to update certain aspects of the user (level/xp, also
saving some of their answers to the database).

However, I’m using devise for authentication, and I’m not sure how to
access and update the current user when I’m in the quiz controller or
quiz view. I’m assuming I need to add a helper method which gives the
controller access to the current user, but I’m not sure how to do it

Thanks in advance for your help.


Whats the association between a quiz and a user. If they are related ,
you can write a callback in your quiz model

after_create :increase_user_xp
after_update :increase_user_xp

def increase_user_xp
self.user.update(:xp => 50)

You should just be able to do that by making the controller a subclass
of ApplicationController

explained here:

On Oct 6, 2014, at 9:14 PM, Joseph W.s [email protected] wrote:

Thanks in advance for your help.

Jason Fleetwood-Boldt
[email protected]

All material Jason Fleetwood-Boldt 2014. Public conversations may be
turned into blog posts (original poster information will be made
anonymous). Email [email protected] with questions/concerns about

Well it already inherits from ApplicationController by default, and I’m
unable to send an update request form to the resource from that view

Jason Fb wrote in post #1159259:

You should just be able to do that by making the controller a subclass
of ApplicationController

explained here:

On Oct 6, 2014, at 9:14 PM, Joseph W.s [email protected] wrote:

Thanks in advance for your help.

Jason Fleetwood-Boldt
[email protected]

All material Jason Fleetwood-Boldt 2014. Public conversations may be
turned into blog posts (original poster information will be made
anonymous). Email [email protected] with questions/concerns about

On 7 October 2014 14:59, Joseph W.s [email protected] wrote:

Well it already inherits from ApplicationController by default, and I’m
unable to send an update request form to the resource from that view

It is no good saying you are unable to do something, show us the error
and the section of code that causes it. Not large chunks of code, a
few lines should be enough. Also the output in development.log
relating to the request, if it looks useful


Yes, please specify exactly what you mean when you say “to the resource”
or “from that view”

Normally you would do think about this in terms of quiz controller (but
really you should pass this off to a domain layer).

Your question (the way I interpreted it) was where/how can you access
the scope of current_user. The answer is explained in that stackoverflow


On Oct 7, 2014, at 10:42 AM, Colin L. [email protected] wrote:

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Jason Fleetwood-Boldt
[email protected]

All material Jason Fleetwood-Boldt 2014. Public conversations may be
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Okay I’ll try and show you what errors I’m getting later.

For now let me try to explain the situation a bit more clearly
(apologies, I’m still learning, this is my first app and I’m mainly
doing it to learn rails, quite possibly I’m way off on what I’m doing).

I created a quiz scaffold and used devise to set up users.

When a user logs in, they have a dashboard with a link to ‘quiz’. This
goes to the index action of the quiz controller, which displays all of
the quizzes. I want to build the actual functionality into the quiz#show
action, which gets an individual quiz form.

However, the part I’m struggling to understand is this: They ‘answers’
to the quiz have to belong to the user, surely? I can’t have an ‘answer’
attribute on the quiz, because then each user would just be updating
this attribute belonging to quiz each time they submit something (by the
way, there is only 1 question on each quiz page).

So, I’ve set up the ‘answer’ attribute as part of the user. The idea is
that the user goes to the quiz/:id page, inputs their answer, this is
then sent using a put update request to edit the users ‘answer’
attribute and manipulate it/check it for correctness.

So my show.html.erb for quiz is something like:

<%= @quiz.title %>

<%= @quiz.question %>

<%= form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url:
registration_path(resource_name), html: { method: :put }) do |f| %>

<%= f.label :answer %> <%= f.text_field :answer %>
<%= f.submit "Submit" %>
<% end %>

Does this make sense, or is this there a far easier way of doing it?

I appreciate the help! Thanks.


On Oct 7, 2014, at 12:13 PM, Joseph W.s [email protected] wrote:

the quizzes. I want to build the actual functionality into the quiz#show
then sent using a put update request to edit the users ‘answer’
attribute and manipulate it/check it for correctness.

You probably want the answer to belong_to both the user and the quiz.

<%= f.label :answer %> <%= f.text_field :answer %>
<%= f.submit "Submit" %>
<% end %>

“resource” is probably something you copied from an example (or the
docs). You’re supposed to put the actual object there, like @answer
(assuming you have created the @answer object as an instance variable in
your controller)

the url: is going to be a path correlated to the answer routes, which
you will define in your routes file. You can use rake routes to figure
out what the named routes are.

Does this make sense, or is this there a far easier way of doing it?

I appreciate the help! Thanks.


Jason Fleetwood-Boldt
[email protected]

All material Jason Fleetwood-Boldt 2014. Public conversations may be
turned into blog posts (original poster information will be made
anonymous). Email [email protected] with questions/concerns about

On 7 October 2014 17:13, Joseph W.s [email protected] wrote:

Okay I’ll try and show you what errors I’m getting later.

For now let me try to explain the situation a bit more clearly
(apologies, I’m still learning, this is my first app and I’m mainly
doing it to learn rails, quite possibly I’m way off on what I’m doing).

Start by working right through a good tutorial such as (which is free to use online). That will show you
the basics of Rails.


Should answers be set up as a join table between user and quiz?

You probably want the answer to belong_to both the user and the quiz.

“resource” is probably something you copied from an example (or the
docs). You’re supposed to put the actual object there, like @answer
(assuming you have created the @answer object as an instance variable in
your controller)

the url: is going to be a path correlated to the answer routes, which
you will define in your routes file. You can use rake routes to figure
out what the named routes are.

resource is the way that devise refers to user. I copied it from the
devise registrations edit view, which updates user attributes.

If I create a separate answer object, can I still access it through the
route quiz/:id? Would this be more difficult than just linking user and
quiz through HABTM?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Joseph W.s wrote in post #1159311:

Should answers be set up as a join table between user and quiz?

I’ve been thinking about this and I think a join table between users and
quiz which stores the answer to the question, and also a boolean :passed
attribute would be the correct way to handle this.