Accessing a web page and looking for a file and downloading if found

Hi Team,

I was wondering what will be a good tool/gem to use in Ruby to:

  1. Access a public website.
  2. Look for the existence of a tiff file
  3. Download the tiff file if exists

I installed a tool I found, httparty, at Gems | | your community gem host.
But I was wondering if anyone has any other recommendation(s).

Thank you

On Feb 22, 2012, at 14:24 , Ruby S. wrote:

Hi Team,

I was wondering what will be a good tool/gem to use in Ruby to:
Access a public website.
Look for the existence of a tiff file
Download the tiff file if exists
I installed a tool I found, httparty, at Gems | | your community gem host.
But I was wondering if anyone has any other recommendation(s).

I would use mechanize for this.

Great. I’ll give it a try.

Thank you

Thank you

2012/2/23 Bartosz Dziewoński [email protected]

httparty / rest-client / standard Net::HTTP for Internet access;
Nokogiri / hpricot / a couple of regexps for HTML. That’s all you need
in most cases.

– Matma R.