Access to controller and request objects in controller specs (rails 3)


Rails 3 provides @controller and @request as instance variables in
controller tests, whats the equivalent in rspec controller tests?

I’m using warden for authentication and need to be able to stub
@request.env[‘warden’] with something so that controllers can be
tested. Currently @request is nil (error: undefined method `env’ for

If I remember correctly the default controller specs in rails 2/rspec
1 contained this assertion:

controller.should be_an_instance_of(MyController)

This fails with rails 3/rspec 2 beta 3 because controller is nil.

Any ideas?



On Mar 12, 2010, at 9:44 AM, stevehodgkiss wrote:

If I remember correctly the default controller specs in rails 2/rspec
1 contained this assertion:

controller.should be_an_instance_of(MyController)

This fails with rails 3/rspec 2 beta 3 because controller is nil.

Any ideas?

Right now, rspec-2 controller specs include rails integration test
behaviour, not rails controller test behaviour. Before rails-3 and
rspec-rails-2 go final, we’ll figure out a way to provide access to a
controller object, but things are a bit fluid right now on both fronts,
so it might not be available for a bit.

There is a ticket about this on lighthouse:

Please feel free to follow that ticket and/or weigh in on it.
