Absolute beginner

I am an absolute beginner.

Tried to install RoR on our server.

You can view the log at


In the end, I was expecting some sort of answer to the command

#which ruby

instead, there is no answer as nothing was installed.

What do I miss ?

Thank you


On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 6:49 AM, octopushole [email protected]

In the end, I was expecting some sort of answer to the command

#which ruby

instead, there is no answer as nothing was installed.

Since everything in that log refers to ‘ruby1.8’, maybe you should try
which ruby1.8; either that or use find to figure out where ruby got
installed and put it in your path yourself.


Hassan S. ------------------------ [email protected]
twitter: @hassan

that was it.

Thank you
