About the form_for

question one:

is there any select box tag for form_for?

now,perhaps i just can use the select or select_tag?

question tow:

i have a A model,it has one B such as:

class A< ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :B

when i use the form_for tag,how can i output the variable name?like

<%form_for :a,@a,:url=>{:controller=>“a”,:action=>“save”} do |f|%>
<%=f.text_area “b[name]”%>


it doesnt work.

thanks for your help!

http://api.rubyonrails.org/ is the best resource for queries like
these. The answer to your question is a yes, just browse through the
documentation to figure it out.

hi,i have the api source,and i have searched it.i have not found the

pls show me some details,thanks for your help.

thanks! :slight_smile:

On Apr 6, 10:25 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]

i wanna set up a blank text area for b.name,i dont wanna display

when i code :

<%fields_for :b,@a.b do |b|%>

there is one error as follows:

You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
The error occurred while evaluating nil.b

On Apr 6, 10:25 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]

Does anyone have encountered the problem?

On 6 Apr 2008, at 12:08, Vincent.Z wrote:

question one:

is there any select box tag for form_for?

Like f.select (assuming f is your form builder?)

belongs_to :B

when i use the form_for tag,how can i output the variable name?like

<%form_for :a,@a,:url=>{:controller=>“a”,:action=>“save”} do |f|%>
<%=f.text_area “b[name]”%>


You’re trying to display a.b.name ? If so you could either drop down a
level and use text_area_tag, or use fields_for to create a scope
around b (and then you can just do other_f.text_area :name)


Your @a variable is nil. Make sure that you’re setting it.

Also, I’m not sure if it would mess anything up or not, but naming the
param :b and setting the block variable to |b| might get confusing.
Perhaps you should use something else in the block.


This is not a helpful response whatsoever. People don’t come to post
in Google G. to get pointed to documentation.

Matthew C. wrote:

This is not a helpful response whatsoever. People don’t come to post
in Google G. to get pointed to documentation.

Repeating all that info would degrade this forum. When a newb obviously
does not
know about the /Agile Web/ book, or the online APIs, or how to Google
for our
common FAQs, they need a meta-answer.


@vincent – I like the api at railsbrain.com It’s the same api info,
just has a little ajax added to it making it easier to search.