About get etag from r->upstream.headers_in->etag

hi, all:

   sorry for my pool english. I write a filter, it need get

etag(http header) from proxied server. But I cant get etag in
r->upstream.headers_in->etag, so I added

{ ngx_string(“ETag”),
ngx_http_upstream_process_header_line, 1,
offsetof(ngx_http_headers_out_t, etag), 1 },

to ngx_http_upstream.c:ngx_http_upstream_headers_in[].

     It's work. but I worry about it will make some bugs, because

I dont know why nginx not supported this.

     who can tell me something about this or nginx will supported

this in future?

    thanks very much.


I have the same problem why nginx doesn’t support etag?

2009/6/10 bit bull [email protected]