I suppose this topic has been widely discussed, but i’ve not found
exactly what i need.
I thought validate_associations would in fact validate the associations
of my models, but it simply verifies that the fields of the object are
valid. So i need to create some custom validations to do
I found one solution:
validate :obj_must_exist
def obj_must_exist
errors.add(:obj_id, "must point to an existing obj") if obj_id &&
But now i need it in a helper or something like that, because i’ve to
reuse the same validation several times. I created a file in
config/initializers called validations.rb and put this:
ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do
def self.validates_object_exists(obj, obj_id)
obj.errors.add(obj_id, “must point to an existing #{obj}”) if obj_id
|| obj.nil?
But it’s just not working… So, what’s the “rails way” to do that?
Thank you.