I just want to do unit/test, test to creat person data (here are 3
cloumns) into the table
“people” of model person. and in model person, there is “def
Person.newly_created(args)” method.
In fixtures file, there is
id: 1
user_id: 1
firstname: test1
lastname: YY
id: 2
user_id: 2
firstname: test2
lastname: TT
id: 3
user_id: 3
firstname: test3
lastname: ZZ
I want to use assert_difference to test creat all data into database.
def test_should_create_person
assert_difference Person, :count do
assert is a method, and you are assigning something to it…?
And, yes, assert_latest can help you, because it can do anything
assert_different Model, :count can do, and more. So if you actually need
that, you could use assert_latest.
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From: OnRails [email protected]
Date: Sep 2, 9:35 pm
Subject: about assert_difference problem. help!!
To: Ruby on Rails: Talk
I just want to do unit/test, test to creat person data (here are 3
cloumns) into the table
“people” of model person. and in model person, there is “def
Person.newly_created(args)” method.
In fixtures file, there is
id: 1
user_id: 1
firstname: test1
lastname: YY
id: 2
user_id: 2
firstname: test2
lastname: TT
id: 3
user_id: 3
firstname: test3
lastname: ZZ
I want to use assert_difference to test creat all data into database.
You’ve got some bugs in your syntax that you’ll need to take care of
before you start worrying assert_difference. Read the api for the
method that’s throwing the exception and do some homework.
assert_difference isn’t the issue here…
Also, neither assert=Person nor assert.Person do what you want to do.
I’d suggest reading up on unit tests in Ruby and Rails.
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