
Hi all:
Thank you in advance.
I encouter an error:
linux; GNU C++ version 4.6.3; Boost_104800;
GR-UHD detected ABI compatibility mismatch with UHD library.
GR-UHD was build against ABI: 3.7.1-0,
but UHD library reports ABI: 3.7.0-0
Suggestion: install an ABI compatible version of UHD,
or rebuild GR-UHD component against this ABI version.
I find someone tell: Uninstall all GNU Radio and UHD packages from the
Ubuntu software center.But I don’t uninstall gnuradio and uhd.And i
think upgrade the uhd will be ok.Is it right?And how to upgrade uhd?Can
someone explain it to me?Thank you.
Best regards,

Hi xd,

the right way to do is to uninstall all gnuradio and UHD from the Ubuntu
package repositories and reinstalling both from source.
The problem you are experiencing is happening exactly because gr-uhd
(as a part of GNU Radio) was built with a different version of UHD, so
please make sure they match.
