I’m fairly new to RoR so go easy please :). I’m having a situation
where I’m using acts_as_ferret and getting odd results. I’m trying to
implement pagination described at
Ferret Pagination in Rails - igvita.com but
the count of the number of results appears incorrect.
I have a model called Bookmark which contains 31 records. In the
console, if I enter:
count = Bookmark.find_by_contents(“yahoo OR work OR google”, :conditions
=> [‘private = ?’, 0], :group => “url”).total_hits
I receive “5” as the response. With the conditions and grouping, the
correct number of results should be 3.
If I then enter:
res = Bookmark.find_by_contents(“yahoo OR work OR google”, {:offset =>
0, :limit => 10}, :conditions => [‘private = ?’, 0], :group => “url”)
I receive “3” as the response (the correct number). It looks like if I
specify the offset and limit, I get the correct number of results and if
I leave it out of the query, I receive the number of results I would
receive if the :conditions and :group were ignored. On the second
query, if I change the limit to something larger than 10 (100000 for
example), I still receive the correct number of results.
Can anyone think of a reason for this (am I doing something