A warbler .9.9 assembled app (upgraded w jruby 1.1.2) chokes on ruport 1.4

Hi All-

Somehow, I’ve been tasked to convert an application to a jruby,
war-based application on glassfish…and am having issues.

I’ve tried to convert from C-Ruby to JRuby-as-a-war in steps: First,
I got it working as a normal, jruby-based mongrel app. This step was

Next, I’ve been trying to war it up using warbler. For the most part,
warbler has worked like a charm. It includes all my needed gems, it
seems to deploy all right, but at runtime it seems to choke on ruport
and I don’t know why.

Since this app works under standard jruby/mongrel, it seems as if the
problem must be warbler.

Do any of you have any idea? I’ve included my stacktrace. Sigh.

TypeError (can’t convert nil into String):
/gems/gems/pdf-writer-1.1.7/lib/pdf/writer.rb:363:in initialize' /gems/gems/pdf-writer-1.1.7/lib/pdf/writer.rb:363:innew’
/gems/gems/pdf-writer-1.1.7/lib/pdf/writer.rb:363:in initialize' /gems/gems/ruport-1.4.0/lib/ruport/formatter/pdf.rb:89:innew’

thanks much
Mike Kohout

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On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 2:06 PM, Michael K. [email protected]

warbler has worked like a charm. It includes all my needed gems, it
/gems/gems/pdf-writer-1.1.7/lib/pdf/writer.rb:363:in new' /gems/gems/pdf-writer-1.1.7/lib/pdf/writer.rb:363:in initialize’
/gems/gems/ruport-1.4.0/lib/ruport/formatter/pdf.rb:89:in new' /gems/gems/ruport-1.4.0/lib/ruport/formatter/pdf.rb:89:in pdf_writer’

I can’t really tell from this short backtrace. What is the PDF::Writer
initializer accepting that is coming up nil?

The thing most likely to be tripping up a Rails app in Warbler is that
the paths are switched around. Are there any filesystem-dependency
things that Ruport does, or expects to find files in a certain place?
Temp directories that are missing and not auto-created?


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