What is expected if I input a costas loop block with a complex sine wave
signal? Will the Costas track the sine and give me a baseband output
containing nothing?
On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 09:23, Mir M. Ali [email protected] wrote:
What is expected if I input a costas loop block with a complex sine wave
signal? Will the Costas track the sine and give me a baseband output
containing nothing?
You will get a complex DC value. I will be the magnitude of the input
signal and Q will be 0, plus a small amount of “noise” due to round
off error.
In GRC I have a complex sine source with amplitude 10 and frequency
sampled at 4000Hz as a input to the costas loop through a throttle
The max and min frequency used is +/- 0.157rad/sample which is 100Hz
/sample. When I see the output on scope and FFT scope i see peak at 0Hz
the FFt scope but on the oscilloscope I see a sine wave with amplitude
10 on
the Inphase component and 0 in the Q component. Why?
The output is shown in the figure.
On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Johnathan C. <
On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 4:37 PM, Mir M. Ali [email protected] wrote:
In GRC I have a complex sine source with amplitude 10 and frequency 2000Hz
sampled at 4000Hz as a input to the costas loop through a throttle block.
The max and min frequency used is +/- 0.157rad/sample which is 100Hz
/sample. When I see the output on scope and FFT scope i see peak at 0Hz in
the FFt scope but on the oscilloscope I see a sine wave with amplitude 10 on
the Inphase component and 0 in the Q component. Why?
The output is shown in the figure.
I assume you are using a bpsk costas loop (m=2). In bpsk all of the
data is in the real portion of the signal, therefore any amplitude in
the Q is considered error. In order to recover the data, the loop
rotates the data so the Q component to 0, and the I component is
presumably +/-1.
If you were to do the same with a qpsk loop (m=4), you should see both
components looking like a saw wave.
Additionally, a standard costas loop assumes that the data has already
been sampled. Your samples per ‘symbol’ is higher than 1 in this
case, and the loop output would not be predicable if you were sending
Thank you very much.
The output is shown in the figure.
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