Hey Marcus,
Thanks for the advise. I am sorry to reply lately. So you want me to
reinstall the GNU Radio again to recover the original files? If so, then
might be able to do it because there is a new version of GNU Radio 3.7.8
remove that error.
first of all, can we stick with one name? I personally find Rama is a
good name, but Dave is fine with me, too. However, you’re having the
exact same problem as Ravi, who is also using multiple names. This is
really hard to follow.
then: I think reinstallation is the cleanest approach. I, by the way,
don’t think there’s actually a bug in 3.7.7, I suspect that you, by
accident, broke the scripts during your modifications.
I built UHD manually by using the command ‘cmake’ and make install in
UHD build directory. Do you kindly need any other information on that
I could provide with? It could be of help.
You need to do it from the same, unmodified directory where you did
“make install” last. If you deleted that, the information which files
have to be uninstalled are lost. You can only hope for the best and
install over without deinstallation first.