A silent cucumber?

I believe that what I am trying to do should be possible, but I cannot
seem to find the right combination of switches to get cucumber to run
silently and only print the failing and pending steps. I do not have a
cucumber.yml file

I have tried the following (from the project root):

$ cucumber -q

0 scenarios

If I run rake features then I have 29 scenarios.

$ cucumber -q features

29 scenarios
29 steps failed
125 steps skipped
22 steps pending (22 with no step definition)

If I run rake features then 172 steps pass 3 are skipped and 1 is

$ cucumber -q -r features features

Pending Notes:
And /entity named “(.)" (is|is not) an? "(.)”/ (TODO) #

29 scenarios
172 steps passed
3 steps skipped
1 step pending

Close, but I still see all of the feature scenarios and steps, just not
the files that they come from.

Is there a way to only display the step detail for feature scenarios
that contain failing or pending steps?

On 26 Feb 2009, at 18:57, James B. wrote:

Is there a way to only display the step detail for feature scenarios
that contain failing or pending steps?

I think you’ll have to write your own formatter.

It’s pretty easy - take a look at the examples in lib/cucumber/
formatter for some pointers.

Matt W.

Matt W. wrote:

I think you’ll have to write your own formatter.

Actually, after looking at the code I discover that the existing
progress formatter does just about what I was looking for.

Thanks for the pointer.

Matt W. wrote:

On 26 Feb 2009, at 18:57, James B. wrote:

Is there a way to only display the step detail for feature scenarios
that contain failing or pending steps?

I think you’ll have to write your own formatter.

It’s pretty easy - take a look at the examples in lib/cucumber/
formatter for some pointers.
