I’m attempting to create a second production environment, because I have
multiple databases to maintain, and production is much faster. So now I
have 2 ‘production style’ environments, called ‘production’ and
To create the apiloc_production environment, I added a new entry in
adapter: postgresql
database: apiloc
timeout: 5000
I also created an apiloc_production.rb file in config/environments by
simply copying production.rb (attached). There is no difference between
these files.
I expected that ‘production’ and ‘apiloc_production’ environments would
behave in the same way, with the exception that different databases
would be accessed. However, this is not the case. apiloc_production is
much slower (~10x) than production, and apiloc_production logs SQL
queries to its log file, whereas production doesn’t.
So I’m confused - how can I make apiloc_production act more like
production? Is ‘production’ environment treated differently under the
hood of rails somehow?
running rails 2.3.5, ruby 1.8.7