A Ruby problem calculation problem - please help

I do not think that my problem is Rails but just my lack of
understanding of Ruby.

I am using ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [x86_64-linux] and
Rails 2.3.5

Code: First I evaluate @tot_hb to decide what discount is to be
applied. no problems here

  if @tot_hb > 0
    if @tot_hb > 399900
      @bd_disc = 0.80
    elsif @tot_hb > 199900
      @bd_disc = 0.85
    elsif @tot_hb > 99900
      @bd_disc = 0.90
    elsif @tot_hb > 49900
      @bd_disc = 0.95

Then I attempt to update @client.bd_rate with the value that is in
@db_disc. @client.bd_rate is a MySql Decimal(3,2) field with a default
of zero

@client.bd_rate = @db_disc

At this point things go pear shaped and I get the message: nil can’t
be coerced into Fixnum. I know that @db_disc has a value as if I do a
puts the value is displayed as 0.80

It would appear that it is some sort of conversion problem? Help would
be very much appreciated.


Paul Thompson

Quoting Paul Jonathan T. [email protected]:

      @bd_disc = 0.80

@db_disc. @client.bd_rate is a MySql Decimal(3,2) field with a default

Typo in program or e-mail: @bd_disC OR @db_disc?


Sorry guys, I got this sorted.