I’m doing a report on the speed of develipment and executionin varius
programing langiuiges. write code for all these tasks in the languige
of your choise if intrestied send code to [email protected].
Task 1:
write a program that prints how many times you repeat all words in a
file passed as a comand line
paramiter and from STDIN. with the output format being “”%s" word
repeated %i times\n"
Task 2:
write a comand line rpn calculator that has a syntax like forth with
only floats; also it must have these and
only these operations +, -, *, /, ., .s, rot, dup, swap, pick, roll.
. and .s are pop print and .s print stack in this
with a new line after each item and the top of the stack at the
I’m doing a report on the speed of develipment and executionin varius
programing langiuiges. write code for all these tasks in the languige
of your choise if intrestied send code to [email protected].
What you should be doing is learning basic literacy.
Life works like this:
Write your magnum opus article, become famous, retire to a Greek
But first, learn how to assemble paragraphs into articles.
But first, learn how to assemble sentences into paragraphs.
But first, learn how to assemble words into sentences.
But first, learn how to assemble letters into words.
Start at the bottom, work to the top. Whatever you do, do not presume to
start at the top.
Also, don’t post your homework assignment word-for-word. It makes you
craven and inexperienced.
And why would any of this tell you anything about static versus dynamic
languages? The languages you list are all dependent on different
runtimes, and your results will simply reflect that. It would not tell
you anything about how the dynamic or static nature of the language
affects the execution speed.
Common Lisp is dynamic just like Python, and there are interpreted and
compiled implementations of it. It is common knowledge that interpreted
Lisp is “slow”. Fewer know that compiled Lisp runs nearly at the speed
of C, albeit being a dynamic language. So how would you conclude if you
added a compiled implementation of Common Lisp to your list?
On Sat, 21 Oct 2006 11:37:06 -0700, Paul L. [email protected]
Start at the bottom, work to the top. Whatever you do, do not presume to
start at the top.
++! We’ve had to argue some years ago (not that I expect you to
remember) but this is one of the best posts of its own kind ever! I
second every single word of it, and I’m keeping it for future
No comment on the whole homework issue, but I think it is important
to keep in mind that not everyone on the Internet has English as their
first language.
That could apply in this case, but in my experience, non-native speakers
tend to acquire better basic skills before posting. This is almost
certainly the case of a native speaker who has spent his life watching
television rather than reading books.
An indicator for this is familiarity with words based on how they sound
rather than how they look. An example would be someone chronically
to distinguish between “sight”, “site”, and “cite” (one of my pet
I can only imagine what sort of comments would be generated by the
native speakers if we all had to post to ruby-talk in Japanese.
Yes, myself included. On the other hand, who among us would dare?
But first, learn how to assemble paragraphs into articles.
But first, learn how to assemble sentences into paragraphs.
But first, learn how to assemble words into sentences.
But first, learn how to assemble letters into words.
No comment on the whole homework issue, but I think it is important
to keep in mind that not everyone on the Internet has English as their
first language.
I can only imagine what sort of comments would be generated by the
native speakers if we all had to post to ruby-talk in Japanese.
I’m doing a report on the speed of develipment and executionin varius
programing langiuiges. write code for all these tasks in the languige
of your choise if intrestied send code to [email protected].
Why would people want to send you code? I can understand asking for
help with a problem you may have after you’ve attempted the work for
yourself, but I doubt anyone really has the time/inclination to
simply email you the code so that you can hand it in to your
prof/teacher and get a passing grade etc.
If you want help with something, it’s fine to ask, but don’t expect
busy people to simply spoon-feed you your homework assignments. Oh
and if you really want help, phrasing your email in a nicer way would
help and as others have pointed out, a basic grasp of English spelling
is also useful.
Although congratulations on finding the ruby-talk mailing list, that’s
at least a promising start
No comment on the whole homework issue, but I think it is important
to keep in mind that not everyone on the Internet has English as their
first language.
How many of those posting their class homework from AOL.com are
allegedly English speakers though?
I try to be tolerant of non-native speakers, but if it walks like
Beavis and Butthead and quacks like them too…
No comment on the whole homework issue, but I think it is important
to keep in mind that not everyone on the Internet has English as their
first language.
I can only imagine what sort of comments would be generated by the
native speakers if we all had to post to ruby-talk in Japanese.
Well, as a non-native speaker I’d begin all my postings with:
Sumimasen. Nihongo wa watashi ga sukoshi hanashimas.
(eego to deutsugo hanashimas)
That is, I’d explicitly disclaim my ability to speak Japanese.
[email protected] has been around before (search google groups for his
various inspired postings on different languages); from his phonetic
misspellings, I’d say that he’s almost certainly a native speaker of
American English using one of the more common dialects (one of the
“Midland” or “West” dialects).
certainly the case of a native speaker who has spent his life watching
television rather than reading books.
From my own wombling around various internet communities, the most
horrendous spelling comes always from native speakers that think grammar
is overrated and couldn’t care less. Non-native speakers that
acknowledge their poor skill at grasping languages tend to at least use
a spellchecker. Either way only lack of personal initiative can be to
blame for something as above.
I’m doing a report on the speed of develipment and executionin varius
programing langiuiges. write code for all these tasks in the languige
of your choise if intrestied send code to [email protected].
You know, despite what everyone else has said, I don’t think this is a
homework problem. I really don’t; I think that the stated intent is
more or less an accurate reflection of what you think you are doing.
That is, this is probably at least in part an attempt to mimic the
study published here: http://www.flownet.com/gat/papers/lisp-java.pdf
but with different languages. While I suppose that such a study could
be interesting, and I might want to participate in such, I don’t trust
you at all to carry one out.
Frankly, your posting history leads me to believe that you haven’t
developed the proper sense of perspective necessary to manage a study
of this type. I also am unconvinced that you have plans in place now
to handle the data you receive back. Although I might participate in
a study that would form the bulk of a peer-reviewed paper, I have no
desire to submit code to a “study” that, so far as I can see, would
end up nowhere. I get enough of that experience (writing code that
then never gets used anywhere) at work.
This forum is not affiliated to the Ruby language, Ruby on Rails framework, nor any Ruby applications discussed here.