802.11 MAC for USRP2 code release

Dear GNU Radio mailing-list users,

The Uwicore research laboratory at the University Miguel Hernández of
Elche (Spain) is glad to announce the release of its 802.11 MAC SDR
implementation for experimental communications and networking research.
The Uwicore’s 802.11 MAC has been developed under the m-Hop research
project and it is GPLv3 licensed.

If you are interested in having access to the 802.11 MAC SDR code for
USRP2 developed at the Uwicore laboratory, or if you need more detailed
information, please visit the following link:


Thank you very much for your support and we hope it is of your interest!

Juan Ramon Gutierrez A.

Ubiquitous Wireless Communications Research Laboratory
Uwicore, http://www.uwicore.umh.es
Communications Engineering Department
University Miguel Hernandez (Elche)

Are you using the old driver or UHD?



Juan Ramon Gutierrez wrote:

information, please visit the following link:


Thank you very much for your support and we hope it is of your interest!

Scott Johnston
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street, Lexington, MA 02420-9108
(781) 981-8196
[email protected]

Juan Ramon Gutierrez wrote on 11.07.11 18:33:

Dear GNU Radio mailing-list users,

The Uwicore research laboratory at the

University Miguel Hernndez of
Elche (Spain) is glad to announce the release
of its 802.11 MAC SDR
implementation for experimental communications and
networking research.
The Uwicores 802.11 MAC has been developed under the
m-Hop research
project and it is GPLv3 licensed.

If you are interested in

having access to the 802.11 MAC SDR code for
USRP2 developed at the Uwicore
laboratory, or if you need more detailed
information, please visit the
following link:


Thank you very

much for your support and we hope it is of your interest!

Great, thanks a lot for releasing the code! And also for citing us on
site and in your paper.

A colleague here at FTW, Giammarco Zacheo, is currently working on the
802.11OFDM RX chain, it’s tricky (frame-detection and stream-to-block
delineation issues, realtime constraints etc.) but he will make it
soon I think.

We would be very much interested to try to combine your work and our
somehow to build a prototypical stack. Something rudimentary - but
enough so that it is equipped with the required MAC states. The goal is
use it for “actual interactive MPDU transactions in realtime but with
rx/tx latencies” and then glue it to the existing network layer. Are you
interested in a collaboration on that subject?

BTW: do you happen to know if parts of the click modular router are
relevant/reusable for that purpose? I think the guys doing HYDRA (Univ.
Texas) use it.


Dipl.-Ing. Paul Fuxjaeger
FTW - Telecommunications Research Center Vienna
http://www.ftw.at callto://:paul.fuxjaeger.at.work
PSTN:+43-1-505283057 | 3GPP:+43-676-4787088