404 Not Found -- nginx/1.0.10


First of all thank you for this forum which I have just joined.

I have set up nginx and have it working very well for the past month or
so. However I have faced this problem for the second time now. The
last time it happened I had to power down and re-start the machine and
it was ok.

I am running Nginx and PHP-FastCGI connecting to Oracle 10g on Ubuntu
Lucid Lynx (10.04 LTS) installed on VirtualBox 4.1.6. It works well and
like it better than Apache. Except for the two times that it has died
on me, I have had no issues. And I think that happened (not sure), when
I made a mistake in PHP and tried to browse it. I make tons of mistakes
and it is ok all the time – except of course for these two
comparatively rare occurences.

The error takes the form of a blank white screen with ‘404 Not Found’ in
bold across the top. Then there is a dividing line running from left to
right and just below that in small font ‘nginx/1.0.10’.

Restarting Nginx does not help. Nor does replacing the index.php page
with a simple call.

Any idea what this is or what I maybe doing wrong?

Thank you very much!

Posted at Nginx Forum:

… and it happened again. Any clues please? I am very new to Nginx.

Posted at Nginx Forum:

On Saturday 03 December 2011 05:58:54 mfouwaaz wrote:

… and it happened again. Any clues please? I am very new to Nginx.

You didn’t provide any useful debug and configuration information, so
how we can help you?

Please, show your nginx config and make a debug log of your problem:

As for now, I can make an assumption, that your problem related to a
bug in VirtualBox:

wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev

Hi Valentin

Thanks for getting back to me. Can you kindly spell out exactly what
you are expecting and where I can find it?


Posted at Nginx Forum:

On Sunday 04 December 2011 21:03:36 mfouwaaz wrote:

I should have mentioned that I cannot replicate this error at will – it
happens only very rarely. I will also set up a separate instance with
the debug config as shown in the link – but I’d like to know what you
would like to see.

Can you clarify some details about where files are stored that nginx
On your local machine or in the VirtualBox instance? How nginx has
to these files? Through VirtualBox shared folders?

When 404 happens again with debug log enabled, probably, we will see
useful information in the error log, but I expect that the problem is
kinda buggy VirtualBox network stack.

wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev

Thanks very much Valentin. I will enable debug information and write
with more details, when it happens again.

The whole thing is in the VirtualBox machine, there is nothing in the
host machine. I have enabled ‘Bridging’ in the VirtualBox machine
though, so that I can browse the domain (in the virtual machine) from
the host.

Thanks again for being so patient. I am kind of new to Nginx and could
get all the help I can get.

Have a great day and also a wonderful holiday season!


Posted at Nginx Forum:


I’m just wondering what your solution to this problem was? I’m
struggling here myself.

Many thanks!

Posted at Nginx Forum:

Virtual machines and nginx do work but you need to carefully look at the
network card you’re using, the intel ones are the best.

Posted at Nginx Forum:

I should have mentioned that I cannot replicate this error at will – it
happens only very rarely. I will also set up a separate instance with
the debug config as shown in the link – but I’d like to know what you
would like to see.


Posted at Nginx Forum:

I’ve had the same sort of issue yesterday with 1.2.2, all of a sudden
404’s but with a additional ‘No input file specified’ coming from the
php backend(and 1 sec later from nginx cache ‘HIT’), one minute later
and everything was normal again. No floods, normal traffic, no
additional log entries… Only backend effected, normal static sites
worked ok.

Restarts did not help either which is the weirdest, but then again I did
change alot recently like using nginx caching with the php backend, php
code RC cacher. And I did wanted to update php anyway to the 5.4 branch,
so now updated everything to 5.4, changed a dozen php apps to work
properly with 5.4 and now waiting to see if the issue happens again.

There are memory corruption issues with php 5.3 which have been fixed in
svn but not compiled/released yet, 5.4 does not have these issues so
hopefully 5.4 solves this weirdness.

It does sound like a php issue (75% sure) but it could be a nginx issue
as well like for some reason not passing data to the backend, however it
is extremely weird when restarting nginx and the backends the problem
persisted ! either wait without restarting or restart 3-4 times before
things are back to normal.

Posted at Nginx Forum:

Thanks itpp2012. But I’m running nginx on a standalone server with
php-fpm and am having exactly the same problem: random 404s after a
period of everything working, which only a restart can resolve. I’m
pulling my hair out trying to figure this out, and am so close to using
apache instead.

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