I’m having a frustrating experience trying to get nginx to work properly
with mediawiki’s pretty urls. For some reason my configuration won’t
that my mediawiki installation is installed in a folder above root (said
folder is called /w/) and appears to be throwing out 403 forbidden
when trying to access my site.
The script itself works properly, and I have no problem with accessing
wiki installation my using mydomain.com/w/ - but if I don’t manually
that /w/ folder in the website address nginx will throw a 403 forbidden
error at me. I should also mention that root is empty apart from that
folder, which is why I suspect nginx is throwing that 403 message at me.
I don’t want to flood people’s emails with my giant nginx configuration,
I’ll include links to a pastebin dump which has them. I’ve also removed
personal information which could hint at where my site is hosted and/or
the domain is.
Nginx error log: http://pastebin.com/BZGWurYZ
Niginx configuration: http://pastebin.com/mFdHbEzm
Mediawiki settings: http://pastebin.com/nQuaZBdQ
I hope somebody can figure out where the fault is - I’ve been ripping
out my
hair over it.
Posted at Nginx Forum: