301 redirect with custom content problem


I’m trying to setup a permanent redirect from http → https. As a
fallback for a small number of users where https is blocked, I’d like to
show them a message.

I thought an error_page 301 handler would allow me to do this, but I’m
having trouble making it work:

server {
listen *:80 default;
rewrite ^ https://example.com$uri permanent;

error_page 301 /foo/bar/301.html;

Seems to confuse the redirect. It seems to completely replace the
redirect Location header with foo/bar/301.html rather than actually
serving that content.

I tried some alternatives like:

error_page 301 @301;
location @301 {
  root /foo/bar/;
  try_files $uri /301.html;

But again, it replaces the Location header adding /301.html on the end
of the redirect hostname rather than actually serving the 301.html

Is there a reliable way to return custom content for a 301 redirect in a
way that doesn’t affect the redirect location itself? I’m using nginx

Rob M.
[email protected]


On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 12:53:03PM +1100, Robert Mueller wrote:

listen *:80 default;
rewrite ^ https://example.com$uri permanent;


error_page 301 /foo/bar/301.html;

Seems to confuse the redirect. It seems to completely replace the
redirect Location header with foo/bar/301.html rather than actually
serving that content.

This way you’ll end up with two 301 redirects due to rewrite being
executed again for /foo/bar/301.html.

Try this instead:

server {
    listen 80 default;

    location / {
        error_page 301 /foo/bar/301.html;
        return 301 "https://example.com$request_uri";

    location = /foo/bar/301.html {
        # static

Maxim D.

This way you’ll end up with two 301 redirects due to rewrite being
executed again for /foo/bar/301.html.

Ah right, makes sense.

    location = /foo/bar/301.html {
        # static

Great, that worked, thanks.
