2.6 to 4.1.1 migration hell RESOLVED

To answer my own problem:

Trying to upgrade from 2.6 to 4.0.3 produced the same collection of:

Migrating Typo’s database to newest release
rake aborted!
Multiple migrations have the version number 1

…errors. Googling harder on the problem found me the answer; my
typo/db/migrate directory looked like:

rodgerd@israel:~/typo$ ls db/migrate/
1_add_extended_html.rb 4_add_sidebars.rb 7_add_permalink.rb
2_add_user_email.rb 5_add_cache_table.rb 8_add_page_title.rb
3_add_article_user_id.rb 6_add_pages.rb 9_add_article_guid.rb

…in a pre-upgrade state. When running typo install /my/typo I ended
up with a bunch of 001_, 002_ migrate scripts. Deleting the 1_, 2_
etc scripts allowed the migration to complete successfully.

Rodger D. [email protected]
““Intelligent design?” You’ve got to be kidding, right?! Who the hell
would put an amusement park in a waste-water treatment plant?!”
– ed scarbrough, on the “Intelligent Designer” religion.