2.0.2 Postgres don't work

I got absutly no connection on Ubuntu LTS 6.06 AMD 64.

starting mongrel_rails I got the error:


establish_connection': Please install the postgres adapter:gem
install activerecord-postgres-adapter` (no such file to load –


Installed deb’s (db-related)

  • libdbi-ruby1.8
  • libpgsql-ruby1.8
  • ruby1.8-dev


  • postgres (

Have anybody an idee?

PostgreSQL and rails 1.2.5 on an other Ubuntu LTS 6.06 machine worked
very well.

require ‘postgres’ in irb is running.

Thanks in advance


establish_connection': Please install the postgres adapter:gem
install activerecord-postgres-adapter` (no such file to load –

Did you do this?

gem install activerecord-postgres-adapter


Did you do this?

gem install activerecord-postgres-adapter

Yes indeed but it looks like as ‘activerecord-postgres-adapter’ is not a

I got the error:

ERROR: could not find activerecord-postgres-adapter locally or in a



On Jan 2, 2008 3:54 PM, Carlos Grießmayer
[email protected] wrote:

establish_connection': Please install the postgres adapter: gem
install activerecord-postgres-adapter` (no such file to load –

Do you have postgres or postgresql as the adapter name in your
database.yml file?

The postgresql adapter (which is the proper name) is one of the
remaining standard adapters stlll included with ActiveRecord-2.0.x

There is no gem.

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby

All I can think of is to ask Robby R., he usually keeps track of
issues in Rails vs Postgresql:



does script/plugin install activerecord-postgres-adapter work?

I looked on the svn.rubyonrails.org site and I couldn’t see the postgres
adapter there. I tried installing it myself and I couldn’t find it

On Jan 3, 2008 7:47 AM, Carlos Grießmayer
[email protected]

I got the error:

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Ryan B.

Feel free to add me to MSN and/or GTalk as this email.

I set up my current project under Rails 1.x and haven’t changed the
database.yml for rails 2.0.2. Here’s an excerpt. It still works. I
guess the older gems mentioned in the comments should still work, if
you want to try them.

I’m using postgresql 8.2.5 on winxp. And another version on Linux.

PostgreSQL versions 7.4 - 8.1

Get the C bindings:

gem install postgres

or use the pure-Ruby bindings on Windows:

gem install postgres-pr

adapter: postgresql
database: project_development
username: project
password: whatever
encoding: UTF8

On Jan 3, 2008 7:57 AM, fredistic [email protected] wrote:

Get the C bindings:

gem install postgres

or use the pure-Ruby bindings on Windows:

gem install postgres-pr

adapter: postgresql
database: project_development
username: project
password: whatever
encoding: UTF8

I’m assuming that this was in response to my query about what the OP
had in his database.yml.

To be clear about what I was suggesting:

Here’s his error:
establish_connection': Please install the postgres adapter: gem
install activerecord-postgres-adapter` (no such file to load –

Note that it’s asking for the postgres_adapter NOT the
postgreslq_adapter. The postgres in that name is coming from the
adapter specificed in database.yml.

The way ActiveRecord::Base works is like this.

  1. It ensures that an adapter WAS in fact specified in the
    configuration (i.e. database.yml)

  2. It sets up the gem environment

  3. It then does this:


rescue LoadError
raise “Please install the #{spec[:adapter]} adapter:
gem install activerecord-#{spec[:adapter]}-adapter (#{$!})”

The gems are actually a fall back if the adapter isn’t a standard part
of active-record. here are the relevant ‘built-in’ database adapters:


So as I see it, I suspect that the OP has

adapter: postgres

instead of

adapter: postgresql

in his configuration

So it’s looking for a gem which has the fictitious postgres_adapter.
Note that these adapter gems are ActiveRecord connection adapters, not
database gems which might be required for ruby support of the database
in question.

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby

Do you have more than one gems directory.
I had a similar problem and solved it via setting the GEN_HOME variable
to the personal gems install directory.

The problem…
[~/rails/helloblog]# ./script/generate
establish_connection': Please install the postgresql adapter:gem
install activerecord-postgresql-…

The solution i found on net
[~/rails/helloblog]# export GEM_HOME=/home/phoad/ruby/gems
[~/rails/helloblog]# export PATH=/home/phoad/ruby/bin:$PATH

[~/rails/helloblog]# ./script/generate scaffold Blog id:int title:string
exists app/models/
exists app/controllers/
exists app/helpers/
create app/views/blogs
exists app/views/layouts/
exists test/functional/

Good luck…

Moreover you may need to add --prefix parameter to your commands, like

[~/rails/helloblog]# rake db:migrate --prefix=$GEM_HOME

i am also same problem please give me solution . I am getting below
establish_connection': Pl ease install the postgres adapter:gem install
activerecord-postgres-adapter` (
no such file to load –
active_record/connection_adapters/postgres_adapter) (Run

i am using

ruby 1.8.7
rails 2.3.5
pg 0.9.0

Philip H. wrote:

establish_connection': Please install the postgres adapter: gem
install activerecord-postgres-adapter` (no such file to load –

Did you do this?

gem install activerecord-postgres-adapter


The error message is misleading; there is no such gem. You’ll have to
install or update the postgres or pg gem.


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

On Mar 9, 12:25am, “Prasad B.” [email protected] wrote:

i am using

ruby 1.8.7
rails 2.3.5
pg 0.9.0

What’s your full list of gems installed? Back when I had problems
like these it was because I had both the pg and another of the
postgres drivers installed, although I can’t remember which exact one
right now.


i am also same problem please give me solution . I am getting below
establish_connection': Pl ease install the postgresql adapter:gem install
r` (no such file to load – 1.8/pg_ext) (RuntimeError)

i am using

ruby 1.8.7
rails 2.3.5
pg 0.9.0

in database.yml file:

adapter: postgresql
host: localhost
username: postgres
password: root
database: oilwell7_development
pool: 15
encoding: utf8
template: template0

But i have postgres_adapter.rb file

but it says no such file to load .let me answer any one.

Thansk in advance