I just wrote my first Ruby program and I would be very interested in
some feedback as to style and how to write things more in the
I know I could use more methods and/or possibly classes, and that
will happen, but for now I would like to hear what betrays my
programming style coming from other languages.
Briefly, this tiny program grabs a HTML for a random date within the
last 10 years from the Astro Picture of the Day (APOD) site
(Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive 2015).
It then parses the HTML file to extract the name of the larger .jpg or
.gif file (there is usually a smaller version too), generates the
correct URL for the image, and then fires up eog (a Linux program to
display images) to fetch and display the image.
Works … but it’s not pretty, at least in terms of lack of methods
etc. Other ways to improve this?
require ‘net/http’
method found on-line, slightly modified
def random_date(years_back=5)
year = Time.now.year - rand(years_back) - 1
month = rand(12) + 1
day = rand(31) + 1
year = year.to_s.gsub(/20|19/,‘’)
sprintf(“%02s%02d%02d”, year,month,day)
r_date=random_date(10) # go back 10 years
puts r_date
get the html file from the apod site
text=Net::HTTP.start( ‘antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov’, 80 ) do |http|
http.get( “/apod/ap#{r_date}.html” ).body
get the HTML and process contents line by line
found_title = false
found_image = false
text.each { |line|
find the title of the current pic
if !found_title && line =~ //i
title = $’
puts “----------------------------------------------”
printf(“%s\n”, title.strip)
puts “----------------------------------------------\n\n”
found_title = true
now start searching for the image name
if !found_image && line =~ /.(jpg|gif) *">/i
if line.include? “jpg” # is there a way to case do insensitve
comparison here?
image = $+".jpg" else image = $
url=“Astronomy Picture of the Day”
image=image.gsub(/<a +href="/i,‘’)
printf(“%s\n”, fetch_url)
found_image = true
system(“eog " + fetch_url + " >& /dev/null &”)