1.9 Backport?

RubyConf 2006 Recap

If Ruby 1.9+ won’t be released for over a year, can we backport a few
features? Most noteabley #instance_exec and the ability of a block to
take a &block argument --the lack of these exact a heavy toll on good
clean metacode.

Also, is it true RCRchive is to be no more?


On 10/26/06, Trans [email protected] wrote:

RubyConf 2006 Recap
If Ruby 1.9+ won’t be released for over a year, can we backport a few
features? Most noteabley #instance_exec and the ability of a block to
take a &block argument --the lack of these exact a heavy toll on good
clean metacode.

Probably not. Ruby 1.8 is supposed to be stable, and I doubt that
there’ll be a shim like there was for Ruby 1.6 to 1.8, either.

Also, is it true RCRchive is to be no more?

No. Take a look at my blog; RCRchive is going to change focus into
probably being a starting point for discussion, but how such entries
are processed will probably change from the current software to
something else that allows for mailing-list discussions.


On 10/26/06, Trans [email protected] wrote:

Right. I realize. I was just hoping that a few significant features
that are pure “superset” could make it back.

I sympathize, but I read something about the Denver Summit (posted on
RedHanded by Daigo) indicating that absolutely no new features will be
added to Ruby 1.8. Just bug fixes.


Austin Z. wrote:

On 10/26/06, Trans [email protected] wrote:

RubyConf 2006 Recap
If Ruby 1.9+ won’t be released for over a year, can we backport a few
features? Most noteabley #instance_exec and the ability of a block to
take a &block argument --the lack of these exact a heavy toll on good
clean metacode.

Probably not. Ruby 1.8 is supposed to be stable, and I doubt that
there’ll be a shim like there was for Ruby 1.6 to 1.8, either.

Right. I realize. I was just hoping that a few significant features
that are pure “superset” could make it back.


I sympathize, but I read something about the Denver Summit (posted on
RedHanded by Daigo) indicating that absolutely no new features will be
added to Ruby 1.8. Just bug fixes.

In the roundtable there was a specific question about backporting some
functionality. I don’t recall the functionality that was being
discussed, but I clearly remember Matz indicating that he would be
willing to backport functionality if it had no impact on the current
code. The specific item being discussed wouldn’t have, and he said he
would be open to looking at it.
