1.2RC2 - Anonymous Modules?

Since testing with 1.2RC2, some of my controllers do not run and
instead return this:

Fri Jan 05 08:16:46 -0800 2007: Error calling Dispatcher.dispatch
#<ArgumentError: Anonymous modules have no name to be referenced by>

I assume that this is something akin to not following a best practice
and it is finally coming back to haunt me. I have no trouble changing
things up but I’m not totally sure what to do.

I have a controller called ‘admin_area_controller.rb’ that is in app/

It looks like this:

class Admin::AdminAreaController < ApplicationController

So, I assume this is some kind of module name-space thing? It worked
in 1.0 and 1.1.

What changes would be required for it to work with 1.2?
