Brazilian railers, resources

I’ve seen a few Brazilian faces around here… I’d like to hear from
you, to see how many of us are there on the list, what each is up to,
and ask about any brazilian rails communities and resources you may
know about…

I’m a developer based in São Paulo, and have recently switched to
rails for all my current and future projects. Previously I worked with

So far I’ve come across two brazilian sites about rails (just announced here at the list, with
tutorials in portuguese)

and I don’t know about any mailing lists or IRC channels. if there are
none and enough people are interested, I’d be interested in starting
one of each.

  • Oliver

Hello Oliver
My name is Carlos Okada. I’m owner of Trifax Tecnologia, a small
company in Curitiba. We currently develop in .NET/C# (using a internal
developed Web framework). I am trying Rails in some small projects right
and I plan to adopt it as our main development plataform.



2005/11/22, Oliver B. [email protected]:

Hello there.

I’ve seen a few Brazilian faces around here… I’d like to hear from
you, to see how many of us are there on the list, what each is up to,
and ask about any brazilian rails communities and resources you may
know about…

One more Brazilian here, there’s some time by now I’m using Ruby for
some stuff and just this week I’m installing Rails and trying it, after
study a lot about the language. :slight_smile:

I’m a developer based in S�o Paulo, and have recently switched to
rails for all my current and future projects. Previously I worked with

I’m on São José do Rio Preto, SP.

and I don’t know about any mailing lists or IRC channels. if there are
none and enough people are interested, I’d be interested in starting
one of each.

If you need some Portuguese tutorial about Ruby itself, not Rails, you
can try mine at:

And there is a #ruby-br channel on and a rubyisfun group on
Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos, but they are too quiet. :slight_smile:


Hello Eustáquio,
I just found this google group, which has been hibernating since
february :slight_smile:

but I bet (err… hope) that in time it’ll pick up more activity

2005/11/22, Eustáquio Rangel [email protected]:

Hi Carlos,
nice! it’s good to hear of companies doing a full switch to rails down
I’ve created a wiki entry for a listing of companies and developers
using rails in brazil at the site, perhaps you’d be
interested in adding Trifax to it?:

2005/11/22, Carlos Y. Okada [email protected]: