Deprecating @session, but it's already set

What do I do about a deprecation warning if my own code is innocent?

RuntimeError: Deprecating @session, but it’s already set to
#<ActionController::TestSession:0xb698eb10 @attributes={“flash”=>{}},
@saved_attributes=nil, @session_id=“”>! Use the session= writer method
instead of setting @session directly.
blah blah blah

I might reproduce the problem in a sample project upon request, but this
to be easy, right?

Should I grep for a @session.= and monkey-patch it? There are too
many of them!

Phlip ← NOT a blog!!!

Hi, you should be able to do a query/replace to change @session to
session within your rails application.

Good luck,


Conrad T. wrote:

Hi, you should be able to do a query/replace to change @session to
session within your rails application.

If it were that easy…

…of course I have never used @session! And grep @session . -r returns
hits, so no plugin or generator has generated one.

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