Require tzinfo on rails 1.2

I’ve just upgraded rails to 1.2 and now everything breaks when accessing
pages that use tzinfo.

I get the following errors:

uninitialized constant FriendController::Timezone
const_missing' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/friend_controller.rb:22:inindex’

Can someone please tell me how to “require” tzinfo so it can be used in
any of my controllers?

Could this be something to do with this:

We’ve fixed a bug that allowed libraries from Ruby’s standard library to
be auto-loaded on reference. Before, if you merely reference the
Pathname constant, we’d autoload pathname.rb. No more, you’ll need to
manually require ‘pathname’ now.


If so you’ll have to stick require ‘tzinfo’ at the top of files that use


thanks. to get it working I had to:
#at the top of config/environment.rb
require ‘tzinfo’


#at the top of my controller
include TZInfo

Now if only I can get the search_generator working now…it simply
refuses to load the Search module. IF anyones got a solution or willing
to help I’d be happy to throw a few $$ at them for their time.

Can someone please tell me how to “require” tzinfo so it can be used in
any of my controllers?

require ‘tzinfo’ in your config/environment.rb file.

Rick O.