Increase gain on tx

I am using the example to transmit a simple signal using the
Basic TX daughterboard. On the oscilloscope, I am seeing about a 30mV
peak-to-peak signal and I want to increase this output. I think you can
program the pga after the D/A up to 20 dB but I don’t know how to do
this. I don’t even know if this is the best way to do this. Any help
would be appreciated.


[email protected] wrote:

I am using the example to transmit a simple signal using the Basic TX daughterboard. On the oscilloscope, I am seeing about a 30mV peak-to-peak signal and I want to increase this output. I think you can program the pga after the D/A up to 20 dB but I don’t know how to do this. I don’t even know if this is the best way to do this. Any help would be appreciated.

They highest signal output is obtained with the TX PGA gain set to the
maximum, and the digital signal level set to 32767. You can use that
for the gain instead of 4000.
