Select tag not defaulting to Models value

I know this is a basic problem with a very simple solution but I’m new
to ruby and rails so I’m a bit confused why this isn’t working

I want to be able to create a select tag which is linked with a
particular model, so I used this code in the view

<%= start_form_tag :action => ‘index’%>

<%= text_field("user", "user_name")%>
<%options = [["","0"], ["Low","1"],["High","2"]]%>
<%=select("user", "level", options)%>

<%= submit_tag 'test'%>

<%= end_form_tag %>

here’s the controller code

class TestController < ApplicationController

def index
@user = User.find_by_id(params[:id])


I tested the above code using a user record with the field level
containing 2 and the select list did not default to 2 but stayed at
the empty option

As I said before, I’m sure I’m missing something obvious here but I
haven’t a clue what, any ideas?



Add The following to the top of the file.

<%=params[:user].inspect -%>

Check to see what level is set to.

Frefesh the page to see changes to a form can be problimatic as well, as
the browser will often remember what it was set to. (this drives me nuts
when dealing with default values)

teesea wrote:

I know this is a basic problem with a very simple solution but I’m new
to ruby and rails so I’m a bit confused why this isn’t working

I want to be able to create a select tag which is linked with a
particular model, so I used this code in the view

<%= start_form_tag :action => ‘index’%>

<%= text_field("user", "user_name")%>
<%options = [["","0"], ["Low","1"],["High","2"]]%>
<%=select("user", "level", options)%>

<%= submit_tag 'test'%>

<%= end_form_tag %>

here’s the controller code

class TestController < ApplicationController

def index
@user = User.find_by_id(params[:id])


I tested the above code using a user record with the field level
containing 2 and the select list did not default to 2 but stayed at
the empty option

As I said before, I’m sure I’m missing something obvious here but I
haven’t a clue what, any ideas?



I just ran in to the same problem, I added the “to_s” to the end of and that fixed the problem

<%= select("question", "category_id", Category.find(:all, :order => "description").collect {|c| [ c.description, ] }) %>

I’m surprised rails doesn’t handle this for you when creating the


Nevermind :slight_smile: My category_id was a string…oops.

On Feb 28, 8:49 pm, “[email protected][email protected]

Thanks for the tip, turns out the problem was that the field was of
type int but the option values i was giving rails were strings, I
didnt realise that it checked type when doing that, doh!

On Feb 26, 6:37 pm, David H. [email protected]