Show/hide - noob perplexed


I want to do something that’s pretty simple I think, or at least it was
in pure javascript, but i’m getting tripped up in rails. I have a Hide
link that should hide a certain div when clicked. When clicked, I want
that link to be replaced with a “show” link, and when that link is
clicked, I want the stuff that was hidden to be shown. I need some
direction or suggestions here, becuase I’m using the following in my

<div id="hide-subs">
  <%= link_to_function("Hide Subgoals", nil, :id => "more_link") do

page[:hide-subs].replace_html "<%= link_to_function(“Hide

do |page| end %>"
end %>

And getting a compile error. So that’s not working. But then I
couldn’t find a page method that simply hid a div that wasn’t a
scriptaculous effect. If I had that, I could add another page[:div]
call before or after my replace_html call. And then my only problem
would be how to inject merely a link as the “replace_html”. So
basically I’m looking for some direction, as I’m unfamiliar with how
this structure would work.

Thanks so much in advance for your help!


if your code is exactly as typed…

check your tags, you have an additional end %>

hope this helps.

On 2/23/07, Mike D. [email protected] wrote:



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Juan Roberto Morales
Gerente General
Digital Vision Studios