Monitoring tools? experience with

Hi all,

I was wondering what experience the group has for monitoring tools,
particularily monit and nagios? We have a PHP platform that we are
pushing live in Rails soon, and we need to get a better handle on the
health of our servers and the overall load we have to deal with. Our
site is growing and just having a terminal open for every server
running ‘sar -u 2 0’ doesn’t scale very well =).

Also, any real world experiences with would be great.


On 20-Feb-07, at 3:10 PM, Rob S. wrote:

Also, any real world experiences with would be great.


Hey Rob - I can’t answer your question, but I did come across this
other - - nice eye candy there.

one to add to your list.

General Partner
The nNovation Group inc.

We use both monit and nagios – I find nagios hard to setup, every
time, but it sure does work well. On the purely rails and mongrel
side of things, I use a custom capistrano task to setup monit along
with mongrel_cluster to manage mongrels. It looks a little something
like this:

desc “Setup monit daemon monitoring”
task :setup_monit do

monit_configuration = render :template => <<-EOF

This monit configuration was generated dynamically


(0…mongrel_servers-1).each do |server|
monit_configuration +=<<-EOF
check process mongrel-#{mongrel_start_port + server} with pidfile
#{deploy_to}/current/log/mongrel.#{mongrel_start_port + server}.pid
group mongrel
start program = “/usr/local/bin/ruby /usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails
start -d -e production -p #{mongrel_start_port + server} -a
-l #{deploy_to}/current/log/mongrel.log -P
#{deploy_to}/shared/log/mongrel.#{mongrel_start_port + server}.pid -c
stop program = “/usr/local/bin/ruby /usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails
stop -P #{deploy_to}/shared/log/mongrel.#{mongrel_start_port +
if totalmem > 100.0 MB for 5 cycles then restart
if failed port #{mongrel_start_port + server} protocol http with
timeout 10 seconds then restart


put monit_configuration, “/etc/monit.d/rails.conf”


You’ll need to add the appropriate --user and --group in there too,
otherwise they start back up as root. I’ve been experimenting with
that timeout – it’s pretty low… Also probably could use the
addition of Bradley Taylor’s mongrel_cluster --cleanup with single
mongrels specified…

Let us (rails-deployment) know what you go for.

shameless plug – I also use heartbeat for simple monitoring of my
site and making sure important rails actions are still responding in a
timely manner:


Charles Brian Q.
highgroove studios:
slingshot hosting:
main: 678.389.9462 fax: 678.826.0969

Ruby on Rails Bootcamp at the Big Nerd Ranch
Intensive Ruby on Rails Training:

On 2/20/07, Charles Brian Q. [email protected] wrote:

monit_configuration = render :template => <<-EOF
start -d -e production -p #{mongrel_start_port + server} -a
mongrels specified…
highgroove studios:
slingshot hosting:
main: 678.389.9462 fax: 678.826.0969

Ruby on Rails Bootcamp at the Big Nerd Ranch
Intensive Ruby on Rails Training:

Thanks for the advice here…we have nagios installed, just not
configured at all yet.

Also, I knew someone had developed a very simple monitoring app like
Heartbeat, I just couldn’t remember the name. Thanks for reminding me
off it before I went a wrote something myself =). It seems the
Railsday SVN doesn’t work anymore, is the code still available and
open to play with or extend?

  • Rob

I hadn’t heard of fiveruns before, but this looks totally sweet! I’ve
setup nagios before and like others have said its a complete pain to
setup :-\

I tried and was frustrated. You have to install their
binary daemon as root. There was no documentation on how to monitor
different services.

Rob S. wrote:

Hi all,

I was wondering what experience the group has for monitoring tools,
particularily monit and nagios? We have a PHP platform that we are
pushing live in Rails soon, and we need to get a better handle on the
health of our servers and the overall load we have to deal with. Our
site is growing and just having a terminal open for every server
running ‘sar -u 2 0’ doesn’t scale very well =).

Also, any real world experiences with would be great.


I’m using Monit and have had a few issues that I documented on my blog

One other strange thing I’ve seen is that sometimes Monit dies if I
try to restart Nginx using the web UI

In general though, Monit has worked pretty good for me keeping sites

There are obviously lots of monitoring tools out there, but one that
had recommended a few times and we’re looking at is Zabbix:

On 3/14/07, Tom F. [email protected] wrote:


Chris B.
[email protected]

Jodi S. wrote:

Hey Rob - I can’t answer your question, but I did come across this
other - - nice eye candy there.

one to add to your list.

General Partner
The nNovation Group inc.

Thanks for the props, Jodi. Speaking as someone from the industry - its
really hard to tell whats good and whats lacking out there. I’ll admit
being a Hyperican right up, but I’ll shoot straight with you on the ones
you’ve questioned. FiveRuns is an interesting business as it is hosted
monitoring. Which means someone else is managing your monitoring
solution. Some find it nice to offload this completely, but most Admins
I talk to won’t hear of not having complete control and the monitoring
solution behind their own firewall. Nagios has been around for ages.
Huge community, generally works well. But it is HARD to set up, very
fragile, and has challenges when you hit scalability and compatibility
with anything non-SNMP based for the most part. Hyperic is a much more
modern approach, that was built for flexibility and web infrastructure.
A perfect fit for Rails. Hyperic monitors everything from the networks,
hardware, software and services and does auto-discovery to keep up with
the changes. Hyperic also just started code on our summer release, and
are incorporating Rails into our code. So far, we’re HUGE fans. Which
means we are also building out a plugin to manage the internals of Rails
specifically as well. The plugin should be simple, as our plugin
architecture is pretty clean and flexible, we just haven’t had a working
Rails app to play with until this project. Anyone wants to help out,
we’d love the contributions - even if its only testing!

Stacey Schneider
[email protected]
Sr. Director, Marketing & Products

For all those who have had problems setting up Nagios in the past
there is a project in Sourceforge called Blue (http:// which is a Java port of Nagios that comes with
a nifty configuration tool that you can also use on both new and
existing Nagios installations, its not written in Rails buts its a
definite improvement!


On Apr 11, 3:15 am, Stacey Schneider <ruby-forum-incom…@andreas-

Also, for configuring Nagios, there is Fruity:

There is an article in the latest SysAdmin journal about Nagios and

On 4/11/07, JonnyRestless [email protected] wrote:

General Partner
solution behind their own firewall. Nagios has been around for ages.
architecture is pretty clean and flexible, we just haven’t had a working

Chris B.
[email protected]

On Feb 21, 9:23 pm, “Rob S.” [email protected] wrote:

like this:
monit_configuration +=<<-EOF

timely manner:
Intensive Ruby on Rails Training:

  • Rob

Big Sister is a simpler, but easier to
configure option. It keeps history by default, I think, and it runs on
port 1984, which I like.

We sell Fiveruns subscriptions as an add on service to our virtual
and dedicated server packages. We love the service and our customers
have been quite happy with. Fiveruns has a strong platform and I’d be
happy to answer any questions you have about it (although I’m in the
digest, so CC me with any questions).