A master layout in which other layouts are embedded?

hi all

i would like to design my site so there is a master layout which is
the same for every page or a group of pages then a layout for each
controller, as scaffolds create, which gets embedded within the master
layout. then finally within this layout the actual action code is

is this possible? what is the code to embed a layout within a layout?



  • application.rhtml is the master layout that gets rendered if no
    other layout is specified. inside it, you put something like this to
    the place where your “subtemplate” of each controller should go in
    …some HTML…
    <%= yield :sublayout %>
  • now you have a controller named “articles”, then you create a layout
    “articles.rhtml” inside it you do e.g. this:

<%content_for “sublayout” do %>

blablabla <%= yield %> (This puts the rendered template of the action that was requested in here) blablabla
<%end%> <%= render :file "layouts/application.rhrml%> (this renders the master layout around it)
  1. rails renders the action template (e.g. “show.rhtml”),
  2. puts it inside the controller’s “articles.rhtml” layout, which is
    saved to the content_for “sublayout”
  3. “application.rhtml” is rendered, and the whole “articles.rhtml” is
    oput inside it where you specified <%= yield :subtemplate %>
    You may read this article about best practice for sidebars in rails,
    the idea is usable for stuff like this too: