How can pass the input value in the find_by_sql() function?

I am newbie in Ruby. please help me immediately. I have a input field in
my index page for search a movie by entering the ID of the movie.

the html part of search…

<%= start_form_tag :action => ‘search’ %>
<%= text_field “movie”, “id” %>
<%= submit_tag “Search” %>
<%= end_form_tag %>

in controller

def search
query = "select *
from movies
where id = ?
@report = Movie.find_by_sql([query, params[:id]])


But it return nothings.

NUll value in params[:id]

How can pass the input value in the find_by_sql() function?
Please please help me immediately.

Thanks in advanced.


  1. “please help me immediately” is rude. You think people say “oh i
    know the answer but i will wait with the answer for 3 days?” People
    will help if they can.

  2. <%= text_field “movie”, “id” %>
    will compile to:

    (look at your generated HTML)
    so your parameter is params[:movie][:id] and NOT params[:id]

=> @report = Movie.find_by_sql([query, params[:movie][:id]])

  1. why don’t you just use:

@report = Movie.find(params[:movie][:id])

that will have the same result, plus it gives you the advantages of AR
collections, which find_by_sql doesn’t

  1. as i already said, it is not params[:id], it’s params[:movie][:id]
    so, as i already said, try Movie.find(params[:movie][:id])

  2. you don’t need the value. if it’s not there, it won’t be
    filled in the text_field, but that’s fine. it’s just part of how the
    FormTagHelpers build the Tags.
    look at your generated HTML

On 20 Feb., 12:31, Ruhul A. [email protected]

thx, Thorsten. It works fine.


Sorry for that.

My main missionis to search a movie by its name. so please tell me
how can i use to write the sql query using “like”

suppose i want to search all movie whose name begin with “mission”

select *from movies where name like ‘mission%’

so what will be the following two lines?

query = "select * from movies where name like ?
@report = Movie.find_by_sql([query, params[:movie][:id]])

Thanks in advanced


Thorsten wrote:

  1. “please help me immediately” is rude. You think people say “oh i
    know the answer but i will wait with the answer for 3 days?” People
    will help if they can.

  2. <%= text_field “movie”, “id” %>
    will compile to:

    (look at your generated HTML)
    so your parameter is params[:movie][:id] and NOT params[:id]

=> @report = Movie.find_by_sql([query, params[:movie][:id]])

  1. why don’t you just use:

@report = Movie.find(params[:movie][:id])

that will have the same result, plus it gives you the advantages of AR
collections, which find_by_sql doesn’t

Dear Thorsten,
Thx for ur help. But I do not have value.
I just take a input for the movie id and search the id in the “movies”
so i can not use it.
I also try to use Movie.find(params[:id]) but error return as id is
please try to understand my question.

Ruhul A. wrote:

My main missionis to search a movie by its name. so please tell me
how can i use to write the sql query using “like”

The books /Agile Development with Rails/ and /Rails Recipes/ cover
that. Please consider getting one, or both. They will teach this

raise params.inspect

Write that into an action, and it will show you what parameters the
view sends to the action. Then take it out!

suppose i want to search all movie whose name begin with “mission”

    @reports = Movie.find(:all, :conditions => ['name like ?', 


Now replace mission with a variable, such as “%#{search_term}%”.

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