Searchable tag reference

Ok I really want to submit this to the Mental branch please
Can somebody explain to me how to upload files with a ticket?

I decided that the tag reference was too long to scroll through, so I
added a search box to it.

To use my search box, modify edit.rhtml like so:

— edit.rhtml (revision 326)
+++ edit.rhtml (working copy)
@@ -190,7 +192,12 @@
<% end %>


Available Tags for <%= @page.class.display_name %>

+ +
search tags:
+ + +

Available Tags for <%= @page.class.display_name %>

<%= tag_reference( %>

<%= link_to_function 'Close', "Element.hide('tag-reference-popup')", :class => 'close-link' %>

This will add a search box and include my div_text_search.js (seperate
Which you can grab here:

Now in Trac:

Jacob B. wrote:

Now in Trac:

Very interesting. Can you clean up the Javascript so that it uses the
built in prototype.js functions?

John L.

John W. Long wrote:

Very interesting. Can you clean up the Javascript so that it uses the
built in prototype.js functions?

What sort of cleanup did you have in mind?

I just learned the other day (after I had already written this) that you
can find elements like this:

I could use that to replace my getAllDivsOfClass

Did you see any other places where Prototype could help?

Jacob B. wrote:

I could use that to replace my getAllDivsOfClass
I think that’s the main area that should be cleaned up, though
document.getElementsByClassName() may be faster than

John L.