Changing table ENGINE and db:test:prepare

I have a table that I converted in a migration from InnoDB to MyISAM
(so I can add a fulltext index). The migrations all work well on
development and deployment environments. My problem is I can not rake
db:test:purge and then rake db:test:prepare because the schema.rb that
gets generated does not have the engine change in it. I tried to go
way back in the migrations (003 back from 068) and put in the :options
=> ‘ENGINE=MyISAM’ on the original create_table but the schema.rb
still does not have that in it’s create_table line.

I’m guessing this is a bug. (how presumptious of me!) Anybody seen
this and have a workaround? I would like to be able to run the unit

I know, I looked at ferret and solr. I have my own plugin



Mike Vargo